Latest Publications
- Biswal, D. and C.S. Bahinipati, (2025) “Farmers’ Preference for Crop-diversification in India: Does Crop-Insurance Play a Part?”, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 30, 17,
- Biswal, D., and C.S. Bahinipati, (2025). “Crop-Insurance Adoption and Impact on Farm Households’ Well-being in India: Evidence from a Panel Study”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 30(1): 19-38
- Bahinipati, C.S., U. Patnaik, and A. Senapati, (2024). “Building resilience to floods in India: human development, income, inequality, and forest cover”, Current Science, 127 (8): 931-939.
- Bahinipati, C.S., P.K. Viswanathan and A.K. Singh, (2024), “Do Institutions, Incentives, and Information Enhance Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture Practices? Empirical Evidence from India”, Environmental Development, 50, 100982,
- Singh, M. and C.S. Bahinipati, (2024). “Implicit Discount Rate, Energy Labels, and Investment on Energy-Efficient Products: A review”, Ecology, Economy and Society – the INSEE Journal, 7(2), 11-28,,
- Nair, J., B.K. Thomas and C.S. Bahinipati, (2024). “Cropping decisions under water stress: evidence from Cauvery delta region, India”, World Water Policy, 10(3): 711-729,
- Ishtiaque, A. T. Krupnik, C.S. Bahinipati et al., (2024). “Overcoming barriers to climate smart agriculture in South Asia”, Nature Climate Change, 14: 111-113,
- Biswal, D., and C.S. Bahinipati, (2023). “Crop-Insurance Adoption and Impact on Farm Households’ Well-being in India: Evidence from a Panel Study”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, (IF: 1.4)
- Singh, M. and C.S. Bahinipati, (2023). “Urban Households’ Investment Behaviour towards Home Appliances in India: Do Gender and Neighbourhood Effect Matter?”, Environment and Urbanization Asia, 14(2): 285-298, DOI: 10.1177/09754253231193108 (IF: 1.3)
- Hagen, I., S. Allen, C.S. Bahinipati, H. Frey, C. Huggel, V. Karabaczek, S. Kienberger, R. Mechler, L. Menk, and T. Schinko, (2023). “An international perspective on comprehensive climate risk management: Experiences from Peru, India and Austria”, Climate Risk Management, 41, 100534, (IF: 4.4)
- Paul, B., K.K. Murari, U. Patnaik, C.S. Bahinipati and Subash S., (2023). “Sustainability transition for Indian agriculture”, Scientific Reports (Nature Journal), 13(1): 7290, (IF: 4.9)
- Bahinipati, C.S., A.K. Singh and U. Patnaik, (2023). “Soil Based Interventions for Economic Returns in India”, Current Science, 124(5): 547-553. (IF: 1.169)
- Bahinipati, C.S., and A.K. Gupta, (2022). “Methodological Challenges in Assessing Loss and Damage from Climate-related Extreme Events and Slow Onset Disasters: Evidence from India”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 83: 103418, (IF: 4.84)
- Paul, B., U. Patnaik, Subash S., K.K. Murari and C.S. Bahinipati, (2022). “Fertilizer use, Value and Knowledge Capital: A case of Indian Farming”, Sustainability, 14(19), 12491 (IF: 3.889)
- Biswal, D. and C.S. Bahinipati, (2022). “Why are farmers not insuring crops against risks in India? A Review”, Progress in Disaster Science, 15: 100241, (IF: 6.3)
- Biswal, D., M. Singh and C.S. Bahinipati, (2022), “COVID-19 in India: Reflections from Behavioral Economics”, Journal of Developing Areas, 56(3): 383-391
- Viswanathan, P.K., C.S. Bahinipati and B. Mohanty, (2022), “Impacts of Water and Energy Sector Reforms in Gujarat: The case of Expansion of Micro Irrigation Schemes and Rationalization of Agricultural Power Tariff”, Journal of Land and Rural Studies, 10(2): 157-178
- Bahinipati, C.S., R.A. Sirohi and S. Rao, (2022) “Technological innovation and behavioural interventions for household energy conservation: policy insights and lessons”, Ecology, Economy and Society – the INSEE Journal, 5(1), 63-87
- Bahinipati, C.S., (2022) “Do Risk Management Strategies Prevent Economic and Non-Economic Loss and Damages? Evidence from Drought Affected Households in Western India”, Environmental Quality Management, 31(3), 59-66
- Loganathan, S., C.S. Bahinipati, K.E. Seetharam and K.N. Satyanarayana, (2021), “Policies and priorities for developing capacity to build high quality infrastructure”, In Hayashi, Y. et al., ‘Frontiers in high-speed rail development’, ADBI Press, Tokyo, Chapter 20, pp. 510-525.
- Bahinipati, C.S. and U. Patnaik, (2022), “What motivates farm-level adaptation in India? A systematic review”, In Haque, A.K.E. et al., ‘Climate change and community resilience: insights from South Asia’, Springer, Chapter 4, pp. 49.68.
- Bahinipati, C.S., V. Kumar, P.K. Viswanathan, and K. Kavya, (2021), “Estimation of district-wise livelihood vulnerability index for the four coastal states in India”, In Pal, I. et al., ‘Disaster Resilience and Sustainability’, Elsevier, Chapter 21, pp. 459-487.
- Viswanathan, P.K. and C.S. Bahinipati, (2021), “Growth and human development in the regional economy of Gujarat, India: an analysis of missed linkages”, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 23 (Suppl 1): S25-S47
- Bahinipati, C.S., V. Kumar and P.K. Viswanathan, (2021) “An Evidence based systematic review on farmers’ adaptation strategies in India”, Food Security, 13(2): 399-418 (IF: 7.141)
- Bahinipati, C.S., and U. Patnaik, (2020), “Does development reduce damage risk from climate extremes? Empirical evidence for floods in India”, Water Policy, 22(5), 748-767 (IF: 1.6)
- Viswanathan, P.K., K. Kavya, and C.S. Bahinipati, (2020), “Global patterns of climate resilient agriculture: a review of studies and imperatives for empirical research framework for India”, Review of Development and Change, 25(2), 169-192
- Sampath, P., G.S. Jagadeesh, and C.S. Bahinipati, (2020) “Sustainable intensification of agriculture in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: prospects for the future”, Water, 12(10), 2738, (IF: 3.53)
- Bahinipati, C.S., (2020), “Assessing the costs of droughts in rural India: a comparison of economic and non-economic loss and damage”, Current Science, 118(11): 1832-1841 (IF: 1.169)
- Bahinipati, C.S. and P.K. Viswanathan, (2019), “Can micro-irrigation technologies resolve India’s groundwater crisis? Reflections from dark-regions in Gujarat”, International Journal of the Commons, 13(2): 848-858 (IF:2.646)
- Bahinipati, C.S. and P.K. Viswanathan, (2019), “Incentivizing resource efficient technologies in India: evidence from diffusion of micro-irrigation in the dark zone regions of Gujarat”, Land Use Policy, 86: 253-260 (IF: 6.189)
- Patnaik, U., P. K. Das, and C.S. Bahinipati, (2019), “Developmental Interventions, Adaptation Decision and Farmers’ Well-being: Evidence from Drought-prone Households in rural India”, Climate and Development, 11(4): 302-318 (IF: 4.3)
- Patnaik, U., P. K. Das, C.S. Bahinipati and O. Tripathy, (2017), “Can Developmental Interventions Reduce Households’ Vulnerability? Empirical Evidence from Rural India”, Current Science, 113(10): 2004-2013 (IF: 1.169)
- Bahinipati, C. S., U. Rajasekar, A. Acharya, and M. Patel, (2017), “Flood-induced Loss and Damage to Textile Industry in Surat City, India”, Environment and Urbanization Asia, 8(2): 170-187 (IF: 1.3)