Sponsored Research Projects & Consultancy Projects

  1. Title: Establishing Inclusive and Integrated Systems for Promoting Geographical Indications (GI) Tagged Rice Varieties in India: A Longitudinal Study of Innovations and Technological Advancements in Building Resilience and Sustainability of Farming Communities
    • Agency/Industry: Indian Council of Social Science Research, Ministry of Education, New Delhi.
    • Type: Collaborative Research Project
    • Period: 2024 - 2029
    • Principal Investigator: Dr Soumya Vinayan, Prof. N. Lalitha, Prof. P. K. Vishwanathan, Prof. Padmavati M., Dr Chandrasekhar Bahinipati and Dr Vishnu C. Rajan
  2. Title: Development of a Reliability-based Maintenance Management Framework for Hot Rolling Mill in Steel Production
    • Agency/Industry: Pushpit Steels Pvt. Ltd.
    • Type: Sponsored Research Project
    • Period: 2024 - 2025
    • Principal Investigator: Dr Vishnu C. Rajan, Dr Shamik Misra & Dr M Nabil
  3. Title: Production Optimization and Scheduling Framework for Hot Rolling Mills in Steel Production
    • Agency/Industry: Pushpit Steels Pvt. Ltd.
    • Type: Sponsored Research Project
    • Period: 2024 - 2025
    • Co-Principal Investigator: Dr Shamik Misra, Dr Vishnu C. Rajan & Dr M Nabil
  4. Title: Indo-Dutch Project on "LODESTAR : Low-cost Disaster & Emergency Services for CommuniTies At Risk"
    • Agency/Industry: Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi
    • Type: Sponsored Research Project
    • Period: 2023 - 2024
    • Principal Investigator: Dr Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
  5. Title:  Indo-Dutch Project on " Restructuring and Enhancing Strategies with a Transformative AppRoach for InTegrated Water Disaster Management in India and the Netherlands—RESTARTIN"
    • Agency/Industry: Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi
    • Type: Sponsored Research Project
    • Period: 2024 - 2027
    • Principal Investigator: Dr Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
  6. Title: Micro-irrigation Adoption, Resource Efficiency, Sustainability, and Smallholder Farmers
    • Agency/Industry: Indian Council of Social Science Research
    • Type: Sponsored Research Project
    • Period: Sanctioned on August 2023
    • Principal Investigator: Dr Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
  7. Title: Food Security and the Problem of fit: examining local innovations to milk wastage in India
    • Agency/Industry: IC-IMPACTS Call on Food Security, University of Waterloo, Canada
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2023-2024
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. Sanchayan Nath
  8. Title: Dialectics of Prakriti and Sanskriti: An Ecosophical Study of the Select Ancient Indian Texts
    • Agency/Industry: JPN National Centre, IIT Indore
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2023-2025
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. Prabha Shankar Dwivedi & Co-PI: Dr. Bharat Kumar
  9. Title: DST Centre for Policy Research on Disaster Management, Energy Transition and Tribal Education
    • Agency/Industry: Department of Science and Technology (DST), India
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2023 –
    • Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
  10. Title: Folk and Ritual Songs of Banaras and Mirzapur: An Ethnographic Study
    • Agency/Industry: Indian Council of Social Science Research, India
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2022-2024
    • Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Prabha Shankar Dwivedi
  11. Title: Mapping Domestic Abuse and Violence in the Time of Covid-19: A Study from Bihar
    • Agency/Industry: Indian Council of Social Science Research, India (under Special Call for Research Studies on Social Science Dimensions of Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic)
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2021
    • Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Prabha Shankar Dwivedi
  12. Title: Understanding and Addressing Systemic Risks Behind the Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 in India and Japan: Developing a Roadmap for a Resilient and Sustainable Future
    • Agency/Industry: Indian Council of Social Science Research, India & Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan.
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2020-2022
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
  13. Title: Revisiting Integrated Risk Management Planning at the National, Regional, and International Levels in the Light of COVID-19
    • Agency/Industry: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2020-2022
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
  14. Title: Paninian School of Grammar: A Seat of Modern Linguistics and (Post) Structural Poetics.
    • Agency/Industry: Impactful Research in Social Science (IMPRESS), Indian Council of Social Science Research, India
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2019-2021
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. Prabha Shankar Dwivedi
  15. Title: Folk Media and Identity Construction: Production and Dissemination in Second Phase Telangana Movement
    • Agency/Industry: Impactful Research in Social Science (IMPRESS), Indian Council of Social Science Research, India
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2019-2021
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. V Vamshi Krishna Reddy & Co-PI: Dr. Prabha Shankar Dwivedi
  16. Title: Impact of Agricultural Interventions on Farmers’ Wellbeing: Evidences from Semi-Arid Regions of Rural India
    • Agency/Industry: Impactful Research in Social Science (IMPRESS), Indian Council of Social Science Research, India
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2019-2021
    • Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
  17. Title: Accessing Households’ Preference for Energy Efficient Appliances in Bengaluru City, India: Internalities
    • Agency/Industry: Impactful Research in Social Science (IMPRESS), Indian Council of Social Science Research, India
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2019-2021.
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. Rahul A. Sirohi & Co-PI: Dr. Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
  18. Title: Role of Institutions, Incentives and Information in Enhancing Climate Resilient Agricultural Interventions and their Impacts across States in India
    • Agency/Industry: Indian Council of Social Science Research, India
    • Type: Research Projects
    • Period: 2018-2022
    • Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
  19. Title: A synthesis of the challenges and opportunities faced by India in accessing socio-economic impacts from climate change
    • Agency/Industry: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris
    • Type: Consultancy Projects
    • Period: 2021
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
  20. Title: Integrated Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
    • Agency/Industry: GIZ, Germany, and University of Geneva, Switzerland
    • Type: Consultancy Projects
    • Period: 2018-2019
    • Principal Investigator: Dr. Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati
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